Our tiny glimpse of the sun endeth…

DandelionAt the beginning of the week we experienced a phenomenon we had almost forgotten what it was like.

The sun came out – for a total of two and a half days.

And with it plant-life sighed in relief and started to progress towards spring, like this dandelion, who without the sun wouldn’t bother opening up.

But now we’ve descended back into grey and rain, with even more snow up in the north. It looks like those halcyon days were merely a taster, just to boost our spirits a little, but in case we were starting to get spoiled, it’s been taken away again.

Oh well, the wait continues.

2 thoughts on “Our tiny glimpse of the sun endeth…

  1. I know you’ll want to thrash me for saying this right now, but we average 300 days of sunshine a year here on the Front Range of Colorado. Today, it’s snowing, and could get nasty, but we used to that, and expect it this time of year (March is our wettest month), knowing that in two days the sun will be out and 60F degrees.

    Your single dandelion is delightful – you can eat the leaves in the early spring before they get bitter – and the roots.

    Thinking of you, rv


    • I remember staying on my cousin’s farm in the Lake District in the UK one Easter holiday. While we were there it was really hot and we went about only in t-shirts, but the day after we left they were snowed in for a week. The weather is just as unpredictable wherever you are.


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