A riot of rhododendrons

Rhododendron Yellow Rhododendron Red Rhododendron

Walking through Valley Gardens near Windsor Great Park, you have to visit the rhododendron area.

Here you get to see rhododendrons of almost every shape, hue and variety.

I’ve managed to capture just six examples, now you must imagine tall bushes overflowing with blossoms with a heavy scented aroma.

White Rhododendron Magenta Rhododendron Pink Rhododendron

Brave blossom bursts forth

White Winter Cherry Pink Winter Cherry Honeysuckle?

In spite of the freezing cold weather, the winter cherries have bravely put forth their blossoms to announce the arrival of spring.

I think the poor things have been caught out by this second bout of sub-zero temperatures and snowy squalls.

Anyhow, an unknown bush whose flowers resemble honeysuckle, but isn’t, shows off its beauty to compete with the cherry blossom.