More autumnal suns #2

Yellow Poppy Coriopsis Dandelion

Hawkbit Yellow Marigold Yellow Helenium

Yellow Helenium Yellow Montbretia Yellow Helenium

The nights are drawing in, and next week the clocks will change.

Therefore we need to have some cheery yellow to brighten up these dull, grey days.

Icelandic poppy, coreopsis, dandelion, hawkbit, marigold, helenium and montbretia.

A sea of daffodils

Lots of daffodils Lots of daffodils Lots of daffodils

Lots of daffodilsOn the side of the roads where there are grassy banks, the council have planted swathes of daffodils.

These are particularly beautiful at this time of year, providing a large expanse of cheery yellow to brighten up a grey day.

I enjoy driving down these particular roads, and sometimes take a detour just so I can go and see them.