Primed ready to go…

Pear Tree Flower BudsHere’s my pear tree with its flower buds just waiting for a change in the temperature so it can start to blossom.

But this cold doesn’t just stop flower buds from opening; even if they did, where are the insects they rely on to pollinate them? It’s far too cold for them to come out.

Last year we had a very bad year for tree fruit. I think we only had two decent pears! Compared to the year before when we had so many we had to put our prepared pears in the freezer.

This year, with the forecast looking like temperatures way below average for most of April, it looks like we’re going to have another difficult year for fruit farmers.

Miniature reminders that Spring will soon be here

Daffodils in a window box

In gloomy, cold, winter days (even though it’s March) it’s nice to turn a corner and be greeted by a window box of happy, yellow flowers.

These little ‘tête à tête’ daffodils still manage to put on a good show, in spite of looking very soggy.

Gardeners are doing their best to bring on Spring, in spite of the weather preventing the natural course of events.

Battling against the elements

First daffodil to flowerWinter retains its grasp on the world, yet this poor daffodil still managed to produce a flower in spite of it.

Yesterday we had to cut short our walk because it was so cold, and the wind so bitter. It was the kind that gets into your bones and stops you enjoying anything outside.

I suppose we are soft compared to countries that are always cold, but since the end of February is drawing near, we were hoping for something a bit more spring-like to match the brave attempt the daffodils are displaying.